Tuesday, April 21, 2009


Motorola is expanding its ROKR mobile phone portfolio with the introduction of three new music-optimized devices. The lineup includes MOTOROKR EM30, a candybar phone using MotorolaÃ's ModeShift technology, ROKR EM28, a clamshell device with sonic features and touch-sensitive keys, and ROKR EM25, a slider with FM radio sharing capabilities.

“Following the path of our award-winning ROKR E8, the newest additions to our ROKR family make listening to and discovering new music accessible and affordable for everyone," said Steve Lalla, corporate vice president, Mass Market Products, Motorola Mobile Devices. “From uncovering new music with friends through our FMShare feature to enjoying surround-sound quality audio, these new ROKR phones deliver the music you want whenever, wherever and however you want to hear it."

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